Tamil Nadu chief minister Jayalalithaa dies in Apollo Hospital
Updated by admin on
Tuesday, December 06, 2016 12:26 AM IST

Tamil Nadu chief minister J Jayalalithaa died at Apollo Hospital around 1130 p.m,. on Monday night. The death was announced by Apollo Hospitals in a press release.
The death was announced around 24 hours after she suffered a heart attac. She was 68. She was single.
Meanwhile, the AIADMK Legislature Party meeting was held at party headquarters just before midnight. It will elect its new leader in view of the death of the chief minister and party supremo. The party will have to elect the new Legislature party leader who will take over as chief minister. The party will also have to elect its new general secretary in place of Jayalalithaa.
Number two in the cabinet, O Panneerselvam, senior ministers, party functionaries, MLAs were attending the meeting, party sources said.
At the earlier meeting of the legislature party in the evening, no formal business was transacted, party sources said. It was then decided to hold the meeting on Monday night or Tuesday. Accordingly, the meeting of MLAs was being held on Monday night, party sources said.